How to solve Akamai BMP (x-acf-sensor)

How to solve Akamai BMP (x-acf-sensor)

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Akamai bmp solver

Solving Akamai BMP (mobile) with CapSolver

Introduction to Akamai BMP

Akamai BMP (Bot Manager Premier) is a sophisticated bot detection system used by mobile applications to secure against bots.

Understanding Akamai BMP Challenges

Akamai BMP challenges are unique as they are designed for mobile environments. The system collects a wide range of data points from a device to determine whether the user is human. This includes device information, interaction patterns, and other sensor data.
On the mobile app, a header looks like: x-acf-sensor
This header contains the mobile device information encrypted.

How you can find what akamai bmp version is being used?

Learn how to find the akamai bmp version of your app

How to Solve Akamai BMP with CapSolver

CapSolver provides a solution to automate the process of solveing Akamai BMP challenges. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

Step 1: Setting Up Your Task

To address an Akamai BMP challenge, begin by generating a task via CapSolver's API. This requires inputting specific details pertaining to the mobile application and device in use.

Content-Type: application/json

    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "task": {
        "type": "AntiAkamaiBMPTask", //Required
        "packageName": "examplePackageName", //Required
        "country": "US", //Optional
        "version": "3.2.6", //Required
        "deviceId": "90F9EAF5-D6E5-4E30-BC8B-B7780AD02600", //Optional
        "deviceName": "iPhone14,2/16.0.2", //Optional
        "count": 10, //Optional
        "metadata": {
            "serversidesignal": "",
            "appversion": "2023.10.10" // add for 3.3.8
        }, // add for 3.3.5 / 3.3.6 / 3.3.8 version

For comprehensive documentation, visit CapSolver's Akamai BMP guide.

Upon successful submission, CapSolver will respond as follows:

    "errorId": 0,
    "success": true,
    "state": "ready",
    "solution": {
        "deviceId": "D7224EA0-4773-4B0A-9DEC-0C61DE8D74B0",
        "deviceName": "iPhone14,2/16.0.2",
        "sensors": [
        "version": "3.2.6"
    "type": "AntiAkamaiBmpTask"

For Akamai BMP's POW Challenge, submit the following details:

Content-Type: application/json

    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "task": {
        "type": "AntiAkamaiBMPTask", //Required
        "deviceId": "90F9EAF5-D6E5-4E30-BC8B-B7780AD02600", //Required
        "pow": '{"mode":1,"nonce":"3764bd11365749ec62974f920eb3614c","ttl":21600,"difficulty":6000,"timeout":100,"n":490,"s_timeout":100,"checksum":"plKZ9lBBJwLeeWRjoaZ4OevBFoPf3EyJIFgp2utWwI3ly34OsW6JluR2nY+lAwapZAcMf/kCo2g5ni6daXPhBSpg=="}'//Required

The response to the POW Challenge will be:

    "errorId": 0,
    "success": true,
    "state": "ready",
    "solution": {
    "type": "AntiAkamaiBmpTask"
