How to Solve CAPTCHA Challenges Using Python Requests

How to Solve CAPTCHA Challenges Using Python Requests

Logo of CapSolver

Rajinder Singh

Deep Learning Researcher


Frustrating CAPTCHA Example

"Frustrating captcha..."

1. Why CAPTCHA Solving Matters

Robot vs Human

The eternal struggle - CAPTCHAs try to tell humans and bots apart

While CAPTCHAs protect websites from spam, they can block legitimate automation for:

  • Research Projects: Academic and market research often require large-scale data collection from websites.
  • Accessibility Tools: Tools designed to assist users with disabilities might need to navigate CAPTCHAs to provide content.
  • Data Migration Scripts: When transferring data between systems, automated scripts may encounter CAPTCHAs.
  • Academic Research: Scholars collecting data for studies on internet trends, user behavior, or technology adoption.
  • Price Comparison and Market Analysis: Scraping product prices from e-commerce sites to analyze market trends.
  • E-commerce Product Scraping: Monitoring competitors' websites to track product availability and pricing.
  • Ad Verification: Ensuring that online advertisements are displayed correctly and not manipulated by bots.
  • SEO and Website Monitoring: Checking website performance, uptime, and content changes in an automated manner.
  • Social Media Data Collection: Aggregating public posts or trends from social platforms for sentiment analysis.
  • Cybersecurity Research: Analyzing potential vulnerabilities or testing the robustness of security measures.
  • Content Aggregation: Automatically collecting articles or blog posts for news aggregation services.

2. Setting Up Your Toolkit

Capsolver Dashboard Screenshot

Your Capsolver dashboard - where API keys live

Install requirements:

bash Copy
pip install requests

Get your API key:

  1. Create account at
  2. Navigate to API Overview
  3. Copy your clientKey

3. Step-by-Step Implementation


How the CAPTCHA solving process works

Complete code walkthrough:

python Copy
# pip install requests
import requests
import time
# TODO: set your config
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"  # your api key of capsolver
site_key = "6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_kl-"  # site key of your target site
site_url = ""  # page url of your target site
def capsolver():
    payload = {
        "clientKey": api_key,
        "task": {
            "type": 'ReCaptchaV3TaskProxyLess',
            "websiteKey": site_key,
            "websiteURL": site_url,
            "pageAction": "login",
    res ="", json=payload)
    resp = res.json()
    task_id = resp.get("taskId")
    if not task_id:
        print("Failed to create task:", res.text)
    print(f"Got taskId: {task_id} / Getting result...")
    while True:
        time.sleep(1)  # delay
        payload = {"clientKey": api_key, "taskId": task_id}
        res ="", json=payload)
        resp = res.json()
        status = resp.get("status")
        if status == "ready":
            return resp.get("solution", {}).get('gRecaptchaResponse')
        if status == "failed" or resp.get("errorId"):
            print("Solve failed! response:", res.text)
token = capsolver()

4. Understanding Task Types

Common CAPTCHA types you'll encounter

Task Type
ReCaptchaV2Task / ReCaptchaV2TaskProxyless
ReCaptchaV3Task / ReCaptchaV3TaskProxyless
GeeTestTask / GeeTestTaskProxyless

5. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Error Debugging

When your CAPTCHA solution fails...

Common Fixes:

  • Double-check API key permissions
  • Verify website URL, websiteKey, pageAction or other required / optional parameters matches exactly
  • Test with different CAPTCHA types
  • Contact capsolver support

Compliance Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. CapSolver is committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The use of the CapSolver network for illegal, fraudulent, or abusive activities is strictly prohibited and will be investigated. Our captcha-solving solutions enhance user experience while ensuring 100% compliance in helping solve captcha difficulties during public data crawling. We encourage responsible use of our services. For more information, please visit our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
