reCAPTCHA v2 Solver, reCAPTCHA v2 Captcha Solving Service

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Just as we all know, solving CAPTCHA has turned out to be an essential part of us in the web. However, solving CAPTCHA issues manually is time-consuming and frustrating. To address this problem, CAPTCHA resolution services have emerged to provide automated solutions to speed up the process. In this article, we will explore the advanced reCAPTCHA v2 decoder Capsolver and its features, and why it can be the ultimate solution.

Before we start, here’s a bonus code for Capsolver: WSC. After redeeming it, you will get an extra 5% bonus after each recharge.

What is reCaptcha?

There are several versions of reCAPTCHA:

  • reCAPTCHA v1: The original version, which presented users with distorted text and asked them to type it into a box.
  • reCAPTCHA v2: This version asks users to click on a checkbox confirming that they are not a robot. Sometimes it can also ask users to select specific types of images from a grid.
  • reCAPTCHA v3: This version works in the background of websites to analyze user behavior and assign a score based on the perceived likelihood that the user is human or a bot. It's a more seamless experience for the user because it doesn't require any specific user interaction like previous versions.

In this blog, we will focus on solving reCAPTCHA v2 and looks like:

Why Capsolver?

Capsolver, an advanced auto captcha solver, offers a powerful solution for tackling reCAPTCHA v2 challenges.There are several captcha-solving services on the market right now. Here are some of the most well-known captcha-solving services and how services may be superior to those of most of its rivals. One of the best captcha solutions available today is probably Capsolver. It employs artificial intelligence and get around captchas and offers an API that supports a broad variety of computer languages. Both ReCaptcha v2 and v3 are supported, and processing often takes less than 12 seconds with good accuracy. Every customer has access to focused support. Additionally, the prices are reasonable and there is a money-back guarantee.

How to solve reCaptcha v2

To solve reCaptcha v2, follow our documentation. Some parameters are required and some are optional. For this example, we will only use the required parameters. The task types for reCAPTCHA v2 are:

  • ReCaptchaV2Task: This task type requires your own proxies.
  • ReCaptchaV2TaskProxyLess: This task type uses the server's built-in proxy.
  • ReCaptchaV2EnterpriseTask: This task type requires your own proxies.
  • ReCaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyLess: This task type uses the server's built-in proxy.

For this example, we will use ReCaptchaV2TaskProxyLess as the site uses standard reCAPTCHA v2. If the site uses Recaptcha Enterprise, you will need to send the correct task type (ReCaptchaV2EnterpriseTaskProxyLess or ReCaptchaV2EnterpriseTask) and ensure all required parameters are included.
If any parameters are missing, you will likely encounter issues with the token not being accepted by the website. You can find all the parameters in this picture:

For get the captcha solved, first you need to submit all the information needed, for this we use the method createTask:

Step 1: Submitting the information to capsolver


  "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
  "task": {
    "type": "ReCaptchaV2TaskProxyless",
    "websiteURL": "site url",
    "websiteKey": "site key"

Step 2: Getting the results

To verify the results, you'll need to continuously poll the getTaskResult API endpoint until the captcha is resolved.

Here's an example request:

Content-Type: application/json

    "taskId": "TASKID_OF_CREATETASK" //ID created by the createTask method

Once the captcha is successfully resolved, you'll receive a response similar to the one depicted in the following image:


reCAPTCHA自动解决器 - 自动解决reCAPTCHAs





本文将为您提供一种解决方案,如果您正在处理许多无效令牌的情况。只需三个简单的步骤,您就可以使用CapSolver轻松通过0.9分的reCAPTCHA Enterprise v2 / v2隐形和v3 / v3企业版。



如何识别和查找 reCAPTCHA v3 的值
如何识别和查找 reCAPTCHA v3 的值

recaptcha分数是什么意思?如何识别和查找 reCAPTCHA v3 的值?提供有关 Capsolver 服务的自动 reCAPTCHA V3 解析的全面指南。








reCAPTCHA v2隐形版本是reCAPTCHA v2的一个变体,它在后台工作,为用户提供更无缝的体验,不需要任何特定的用户交互,就像以前的版本一样。



如何绕过/自动识别reCAPTCHA v3验证码
如何绕过/自动识别reCAPTCHA v3验证码

在本技术博客中,我们将通过使用CapSolver指导您绕过reCaptcha v3的过程。

