How to easily pass any hCaptcha version using Capsolver

How to easily solve any hCaptcha version using Capsolver

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How to solve any hCaptcha version using CapSolver

🎯 Overview

This tutorial will guide you through the process of solving any version of hCaptcha using Capsolver.

CapSolver is a Captcha Solving Service that helps you solve Captchas.

We use AI-powered Captcha Solving Algorithms, which result in faster solving speed and significantly reduced costs, providing an excellent developer experience.

The goal will be to solve the problem of solves not being accepted, with this tutorial you will fix that problem.

⚠️ Warning

Before you read this blog, it's recommended that you know the basic stuff of how to solve hCaptcha using our API. Check this documentation: docs

On most user case, directly requesting our hCaptcha will work normally. However, may no work or some data may be missing, causing your token to be invalid.

In this case, you can submit additional parameter information as described below to help obtain a more stable token score:

🔎 Step 1: Obtain the getCaptcha fetch value and convert to base64.

  1. Go to the website where the hCaptcha appears.
  2. Open inspect element (Button F12) and go to network
  3. When you are on the network section, do F5 on the website of where hCaptcha appear.
  4. You will be able to see a url that have getCaptcha in the URL
  5. Right click the URL, copy and copy as fetch.
    How to obtain getCaptcha fetch value
  6. Convert to base64 the value copied, you can use this site: base64 encode website
  7. Save the base64 value into getCaptchaBase64.txt

🌟 Step 2: Send the base64 value in the following format

The new json parameter that you need to add to your current json configuration is:
getCaptcha and should be like "getCaptcha":"The text that you put into getCaptchaBase64.txt"

This is a example JSON, keep in mind that there are many parameters that are optional so you may no require them.
Read our documentation to understand each parameter.

  "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
  "task": {
    //Required. Can use HCaptchaTaskProxyless or HCaptchaTask
    "type": "HCaptchaTaskProxyLess",
    "websiteURL": "https://hcaptcha.com/",
    // Required
    "websiteKey": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
    // Optional
    "isInvisible": true,
    // Optional
    "enterprisePayload": {
      //Optional, required if the site have HCaptcha Enterprise
      "rqdata": ""
    //Optional, this is required if you use HCaptchaTask
    "proxy": "http:ip:port:user:pass",
    // socks5:ip:port:user:pass
    "getCaptcha": "fetch request base64 content",
    "userAgent": ""

⚠️ You just need to submit one time

🌟 More information of how to solve hCaptcha

hCaptcha documentation

How to solve hCaptcha Enterprise
How to solve hCaptcha

By adopting the strategies outlined above, you can effortlessly resolve the challenges of hcaptcha. We also offer detailed custom services to meet specific customer requirements. Should you have any inquiries, please reach out to us via our customer service system.

Capsolver Team 💜


如何使用CapSolver通过Node.js自动识别 hCaptcha
如何使用CapSolver通过Node.js自动识别 hCaptcha

一旦您注册并获取了 CapSolver API Key,就可以使用 Node.js 搭配 CapSolver 轻松解决 hCaptcha 了,本文是关于如何实现它的教程




本教程将指导您通过使用Capsolver解决任何版本的hCaptcha的过程。 CapSolver是一个验证码解决服务,可帮助您解决验证码。 我们使用基于人工智能的验证码解决算法,这将导致更快的解决速度和显着降低的成本,从而提供出色的开发者体验。




hCaptcha是Intuition Machines公司的产品,是一个广泛使用的解决方案,用于检测和减轻机器人攻击。它拥有一套全面的功能,旨在保护网站、应用程序和API免受有害的机器人流量。同时,它确保了真实用户的愉悦体验。



如何绕过/自动识别hCaptcha 或者 hCaptcha Enterprise企业版
如何绕过/自动识别hCaptcha 或者 hCaptcha Enterprise企业版

绕过 hCaptcha Enterprise 可能看似令人望而生畏,但是有了正确的工具和理解,这变成了一个管理任务。Capsolver 提供了一套全面的任务类型和易于使用的 API,简化了这个过程。无论是在处理高得分网站还是寻找更稳定的代理,Capsolver 都有一个解决方案。




在本篇博客中,我们将重点介绍如何使用 Capsolver API 来编程绕过 hCaptcha。对于需要自动化处理涉及与 hCaptcha 保护的网站交互任务的开发人员来说,这可能特别有用。

