How to Solve Amazon Captcha When Scraping

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at which point you may have wondered why this is happening. This is just your personal scenario, however, for most businesses, collecting Amazon data is also critical for entering new markets and for sellers seeking to grow sales. However, as soon as you scale your scrapers from a couple of pages to even tens, CAPTCHAs become your nightmare. In this article, we'll show you a simple, effective way to solve CAPTCHAs while scraping Amazon product data, allowing you to gain a competitive advantage in your industry.

Understanding Captcha

CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. It is a security measure used by websites to differentiate between real human users and automated bots. CAPTCHAs typically involve presenting users with challenges that are easy for humans to solve but difficult for computers. These challenges can include tasks such as identifying distorted letters or numbers, selecting specific images from a set, or solving simple puzzles. By requiring users to successfully complete a CAPTCHA, websites can ensure that interactions on their platforms are performed by humans and not automated programs.

Amazon's Captcha Measures against Scraping:

Amazon, a popular e-commerce platform, takes various measures to protect the integrity of its website. It uses Captcha to detect and prevent automated scraping attempts. When scraping Amazon, you may encounter CAPTCHA challenges that need to be resolved before you can access further.Amazon currently has 2 main scenarios for captcha, one is FunCaptcha and one is Imagetotext

Funcaptcha is a type of CAPTCHA technology that was developed by a company called Arkose Labs. Unlike traditional CAPTCHAs, Funcaptcha uses interactive puzzles and games to differentiate between humans and bots. These puzzles are designed to be engaging and fun for humans, but difficult for bots to solve.

Image-to-text, also known as optical character recognition (OCR), is a technology that converts printed or handwritten text within an image into machine-readable text. It involves using algorithms and computer vision techniques to analyze the visual patterns and structures of characters in an image and translate them into editable and searchable text.

Solving Amazon's Captchas with CapSolver

Capsolver, widely used in the market today, is an enterprise level specialized in solving Amazon CAPTCHA, as its high accuracy and fastness are chief in the market. Here are some detailed steps and details to solve Amazon CAPTCHA

Solving Amazon Funcaptcha

Create Task

Create a task with the createTask to create a task.

Task Object Structure

Properties Type Required Description
type String Required FunCaptchaTaskProxyLess
websiteURL String Required Web address of the website using funcaptcha, generally it's fixed value. (Ex:
websitePublicKey String Required The domain public key, rarely updated. (Ex: E8A75615-1CBA-5DFF-8031-D16BCF234E10)
funcaptchaApiJSSubdomain String Optional A special subdomain of, from which the JS captcha widget should be loaded. Most FunCaptcha installations work from shared domains.
data String Optional Additional parameter that may be required by FunCaptcha implementation. Use this property to send "blob" value as a stringified array. See example how it may look like. {"\blob":"HERE_COMES_THE_blob_VALUE"} Learn how to get FunCaptcha blob data
proxy String Optional Learn Using proxies

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json

    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
    "task": {
        "type":"FunCaptchaTaskProxyLess", //Required
        "websiteURL":"", //Required
        "websitePublicKey":"", //Required
        "data": "{\"blob\": \"flaR60YY3tnRXv6w.l32U2KgdgEUCbyoSPI4jOxU...\"}" // Optional

After you submit the task to us, you should receive in the response a 'Task id' if it's successfull. Please
read errorCode: full list of errors
if you didn't receive the task id.

Example Response

    "errorId": 0,
    "status": "idle",
    "taskId": "61138bb6-19fb-11ec-a9c8-0242ac110006"

Getting Result

Use the getTaskResult method to get the recognition results

Depending on the system load, you will get the results within the interval of 1s to 20s

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json

    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "taskId": "61138bb6-19fb-11ec-a9c8-0242ac110006"

Example Response

    "errorId": 0,
    "solution": {
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
        "token": "3AHJ_q25SxXT-pmSeBXjzScW-EiocHwwpwqtk1QXlJnGnU......"
    "status": "ready"

Solving Amazon Imagetotext


Create Task

Create the task with the createTask.

Task Object Structure

Note that this type of task returns the task execution result directly after createTask, rather than getting it
asynchronously through getTaskResult.

Properties Type Required Description
type String Required ImageToTextTask
websiteURL String Optional Page source url to improve accuracy
body String Required base64 encoded content of the image (no newlines) (no data:image/*; base64, content
module String Optional Specifies the module. Currently, the supported modules are common and queueit
score Float Optional 0.8 ~ 1, Identify the matching degree. If the recognition rate is not within the range, no deduction
case Boolean Optional Case sensitive or not

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json
  "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
  "task": {
    "type": "ImageToTextTask",
    "websiteURL": "",
    // You can choose the module you need to use
    // ocr single image model, default common
    "module": "queueit",
    // base64 encoded image
    "body": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABA......"

Example Response

  "errorId": 0,
  "errorCode": "",
  "errorDescription": "",
  "status": "ready",
  "solution": {
    "text": "44795sds"
  "taskId": "2376919c-1863-11ec-a012-94e6f7355a0b"


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Очередь — это виртуальная система зала ожидания, используемая для управления трафиком веб-сайта в часы пик. Иногда он применяет CAPTCHA для проверки того, что пользователи являются людьми, а не ботами. CAPSOLVER — это автоматизированный инструмент, который можно использовать для решения CAPTCHA, что может помочь вам быстрее обходить Queue-it CAPTCHA.

The other captcha


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Обход CAPTCHA DataDome с помощью

Этот блог предоставляет руководство по обходу CAPTCHA DataDome с использованием API CapSolver. Процесс включает создание задачи с использованием определенного метода, ее отправку, а затем получение решения с использованием ID задачи. В посте также отмечается, что можно использовать прокси, и приводятся примеры запросов дл

The other captcha


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Этот блог подробно рассказывает о том, как решить капчу DataDome с помощью сервиса В нем приводятся конкретные шаги для решения капчи, включая подготовку необходимых данных, использование API capsolver для создания задачи и получения результата, а также общие рекомендации и предупреждения по использованию сервиса. Блог является очень полезным ресурсом для тех, кто сталкивается с капчами DataDome и ищет способы их обхода.

The other captcha


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Amazon WAF - это веб-приложение firewall, которое помогает защитить ваши веб-приложения или API от обычных веб-эксплуатаций, которые могут повлиять на доступность, нарушить безопасность или потребить чрезмерные ресурсы. Amazon WAF дает вам контроль над тем, как трафик достигает ваших приложений, позволяя вам создавать правила безопасности, которые блокируют общие шаблоны атак.

The other captcha
