How to Solve CAPTCHA with Captcha Solver

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Encountering CAPTCHAs during web scraping can be a frustrating roadblock, potentially leading to getting blocked from accessing desired data. However, fear not! In this insightful article, we'll delve into the various ingenious methods for solving these pesky CAPTCHAs, ensuring uninterrupted scraping endeavors.

Solving CAPTCHAs during web scraping can be a significant hurdle, but there are several effective methods to overcome this challenge. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore various techniques for solving CAPTCHAs, ensuring seamless data extraction without relying on specific scraping frameworks.These include using a web scraping API offers a seamless solution for solving CAPTCHAs. By rotating premium proxies, you can evade detection by CAPTCHA services and prevent your IP address from being flagged. Additionally,leveraging CAPTCHA solver like CapSolver. By seamlessly integrating Capsolver into your toolkit, you can easily navigate through CAPTCHA challenges

Utilizing Web Scraping APIs:

One efficient way to circumvent CAPTCHAs is by leveraging web scraping APIs. These APIs provide access to pre-scraped data, allowing you to extract information without encountering CAPTCHA challenges. By integrating with a web scraping API service, you can streamline your scraping process and focus solely on data extraction.

Employing Capsolver:

Capsolver is an exceptional captcha solving service that specializes in web scraping and automation. With its advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence, Capsolver automates the recognition and solving of captchas, ensuring seamless and uninterrupted data extraction and automated workflows. Also CapSolver is a leading captcha solver service that supports a wide range of captcha types, including popular ones like reCAPTCHA (v2/v3/Enterprise), FunCaptcha, hCaptcha (Normal/Enterprise), DataDome, GeeTest V3/V4, AWS Captcha,ImageToText etc. With such comprehensive coverage, CapSolver ensures that you can tackle most captchas you encounter online.
Taking Funcaptch as an example, here's a demonstration of the decoding procedure:

Create Task

Create a task with the createTask to create a task.

Task Object Structure

Properties Type Required Description
type String Required FunCaptchaTaskProxyLess
websiteURL String Required Web address of the website using funcaptcha, generally it's fixed value. (Ex:
websitePublicKey String Required The domain public key, rarely updated. (Ex: E8A75615-1CBA-5DFF-8031-D16BCF234E10)
funcaptchaApiJSSubdomain String Optional A special subdomain of, from which the JS captcha widget should be loaded. Most FunCaptcha installations work from shared domains.
data String Optional Additional parameter that may be required by FunCaptcha implementation. Use this property to send "blob" value as a stringified array. See example how it may look like. {"\blob":"HERE_COMES_THE_blob_VALUE"} Learn how to get FunCaptcha blob data
proxy String Optional Learn Using proxies

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json

    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY_HERE",
    "task": {
        "type":"FunCaptchaTaskProxyLess", //Required
        "websiteURL":"", //Required
        "websitePublicKey":"", //Required
        "data": "{\"blob\": \"flaR60YY3tnRXv6w.l32U2KgdgEUCbyoSPI4jOxU...\"}" // Optional

After you submit the task to us, you should receive in the response a 'Task id' if it's successfull. Please
read errorCode: full list of errors
if you didn't receive the task id.

Example Response

    "errorId": 0,
    "status": "idle",
    "taskId": "61138bb6-19fb-11ec-a9c8-0242ac110006"

Getting Result

Use the getTaskResult method to get the recognition results

Depending on the system load, you will get the results within the interval of 1s to 20s

Example Request

Content-Type: application/json

    "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "taskId": "61138bb6-19fb-11ec-a9c8-0242ac110006"

Example Response

    "errorId": 0,
    "solution": {
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
        "token": "3AHJ_q25SxXT-pmSeBXjzScW-EiocHwwpwqtk1QXlJnGnU......"
    "status": "ready"

Rotating Premium Proxies:

Proxy rotation can be utilized as a method to solve CAPTCHAs, although its effectiveness may be lower compared to other approaches mentioned earlier. Many websites impose restrictions on the number of requests from each IP address and may present a CAPTCHA to users who exceed these limits.

By employing a strategy of rotating proxies, your IP address can be masked, preventing the server from identifying the source of the requests. This allows for discreet web scraping activities and reduces the likelihood of encountering runtime interruptions caused by IP bans.However, ensure you use premium proxies when dealing with CAPTCHAs because the free ones usually don't work


In conclusion, CAPTCHAs can pose challenges during web scraping, potentially hindering access to desired data. However, with the innovative solutions discussed above, such as leveraging web scraping APIs, utilizing CAPTCHA solvers like CapSolver, and employing rotating premium proxies, you can overcome these obstacles and ensure uninterrupted data extraction.


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