How to solve reCaptcha v2 Invisible

How to solve reCaptcha v2 Invisible

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Sora Fujimoto

AI Solutions Architect


recaptcha v2 invisible solver

How to Solve reCaptcha v2 Invisible

To solve reCaptcha v2 invisible, you need to follow the same steps as for reCaptcha v2, but with the addition of a new parameter called "isInvisible" set to true. Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Submitting the Information to Capsolver

First, you need to submit all the necessary information to Capsolver using the createTask method. Here's an example of how to do it:

json Copy
 "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
 "task": {
 "type": "ReCaptchaV2TaskProxyless",
 "websiteURL": "",
 "websiteKey": "sitekey",
 "isInvisible": true

Step 2: Getting the Results

To verify the results, you'll need to continuously poll the getTaskResult API endpoint until the captcha is resolved. Here's an example request:

json Copy

Once the captcha is successfully resolved, you'll receive a response similar to the one depicted below:

json Copy
 "errorId": 0,
 "errorCode": null,
 "errorDescription": null,
 "solution": {
 "userAgent": "xxx",
 "expireTime": 1671615324290,
 "gRecaptchaResponse": "3AHJ....."
 "status": "ready"

The captcha token received can be verified by submitting it to the relevant site.

Compliance Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. CapSolver is committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The use of the CapSolver network for illegal, fraudulent, or abusive activities is strictly prohibited and will be investigated. Our captcha-solving solutions enhance user experience while ensuring 100% compliance in helping solve captcha difficulties during public data crawling. We encourage responsible use of our services. For more information, please visit our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
