How to solve reCaptcha v2 with Python

How to solve reCaptcha v2 with Python

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Solving reCaptcha V2 with Python, reCaptcha v2 python solver

⚙️ Prerequisites

  • A working proxy (Optional, read both examples, as one require proxy and other don't require)
  • Python installed
  • Capsolver API key

🤖 Step 1: Install Necessary Packages

Execute the following commands to install the required packages:

pip install capsolver

👨‍💻 Python Code for solve reCaptcha v2 with your proxy

Here's a Python sample script to accomplish the task:

import capsolver

# Consider using environment variables for sensitive information
PROXY = "http://username:password@host:port"
capsolver.api_key = "Your Capsolver API Key"

def solve_recaptcha_v2(url,key):
    solution = capsolver.solve({
        "type": "ReCaptchaV2Task",
        "websiteURL": url,
        "proxy": PROXY
    return solution

def main():
    print("Solving reCaptcha v2")
    solution = solve_recaptcha_v2(PAGE_URL, PAGE_KEY)
    print("Solution: ", solution)

if __name__ == "__main__":

👨‍💻 Python Code for solve reCaptcha v2 without proxy

Here's a Python sample script to accomplish the task:

import capsolver

# Consider using environment variables for sensitive information
capsolver.api_key = "Your Capsolver API Key"

def solve_recaptcha_v2(url,key):
    solution = capsolver.solve({
        "type": "ReCaptchaV2TaskProxyless",
        "websiteURL": url,
    return solution

def main():
    print("Solving reCaptcha v2")
    solution = solve_recaptcha_v2(PAGE_URL, PAGE_KEY)
    print("Solution: ", solution)

if __name__ == "__main__":

⚠️ Change these variables

  • PROXY: Update with your proxy details. The format should be http://username:password@ip:port. ONLY REQUIRED with ReCaptchaV2Task
  • capsolver.api_key: Obtain your API key from the Capsolver Dashboard.
  • PAGE_URL: Replace with the URL of the website for which you wish to solve reCaptcha v2.
  • PAGE_KEY: Replace with the SITEKEY of the website for which you wish to solve reCaptcha v2.

👀 More information
