Solve Funcaptcha

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Solveing FunCaptcha

In this blog post, we'll focus on how to programmatically solve FunCaptcha using Capsolver API. This can be particularly useful for developers who are working on projects that require automating tasks that involve interacting with FunCaptcha protected websites

Understanding FunCaptcha

FunCaptcha is a service that protects websites from bots and spam by presenting users with a challenge that needs to be solved to prove that they're human. Capsolver provides support for various types of FunCaptcha tasks. In this blog post, we'll be focusing on FunCaptchaTask and FunCaptchaTaskProxyLess types, the latter of which uses the server's built-in proxy

Creating a task for FunCaptcha

To solve FunCaptcha, the first step involves creating a task with the createTask method. This requires you to provide certain details like the type of task, the URL of the website using FunCaptcha, the public domain key, and more. Here's an overview of the task object structure:

  "type": "FunCaptchaTask",
  "websiteURL": "URL of the website using FunCaptcha",
  "websitePublicKey": "Public domain key",
  "funcaptchaApiJSSubdomain": "A special subdomain of",
  "data": "Additional parameter that may be required by FunCaptcha",
  "proxy": "Proxy details",
  "userAgent": "Browser's User-Agent used in emulation"

You can send a POST request to create a task using the Capsolver API like this:

    "type": "FunCaptchaTask",

Once you've submitted the task, you should receive a 'Task ID' in the response if it's successful

Retrieving the result of the task

After you've created the task, you can retrieve the result using the getTaskResult method. Depending on the system load, the results can be obtained within an interval of 1 to 20 seconds.

Here's an example of a POST request to get the task result:

Content-Type: application/json

  "clientKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
  "taskId": "Task ID received from the createTask method"

Once the task status is ready, you should receive the result of the FunCaptcha challenge in the response

Solving Funcaptcha with Python using Capsolver SDK:

Capsolver provides SDKs for python. This makes it easier to integrate Capsolver into your existing projects. Here's an example of how to use the Capsolver SDK in Python

# pip install --upgrade capsolver
# export CAPSOLVER_API_KEY='...'

import capsolver

# capsolver.api_key = "..."
solution = capsolver.solve({
    "type": "FunCaptchaTask",
    "websitePublicKey": "",
    "websiteURL": "",
    "proxy": "ip:port:username:password"

In the above code, YOUR_API_KEY should be replaced with your CapSolver API key, PUBLIC_KEY should be replaced with the public key of the website with the FunCaptcha, URL should be replaced with the URL of the website, and the "proxy" field should be replaced with the details of your proxy if you're using one. The solve function sends a request to create a task to solve the captcha, and it will return the solution when it's ready.


For information on pricing, please visit our pricing page.

Solve FunCaptcha in any programming language (C#/PYTHON/JAVASCRIPT/PHP):

Visit this page

Capsolver Team 💜


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Solution for extension's inability to recognize certain FunCaptcha images

Due to browser environment issues, the extension may encounter difficult challenges in recognizing certain images in FunCaptcha. Please follow the steps below to address this: 1. Attempt to manually solve all image challenges yourself. 2. If you still encounter new challenges or cannot proceed with the intended workflow, it indicates that your browser environment or IP has been baned. In such cases, try changing your browser environment or changeing your proxy and then attempt manual solving again. 3. If you can successfully proceed with the workflow after manually solving the challenges, it suggests that your environment is not the issue. Please report the images that the extension failed to recognize to us, and we will work on fixing it as soon as possible.



How identify and obtain FunCaptcha data[blob]
How identify and obtain FunCaptcha data[blob]

Learn to identify and obtain FunCaptcha data[blob] for effective captcha solving. Follow our step-by-step guide on using Capsolver's tools and techniques.

