How to Use Playwright in Ruby for Web Scraping

How to Use Playwright in Ruby for Web Scraping

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Ethan Collins

Pattern Recognition Specialist


Web scraping has become an essential skill for gathering data from websites, whether for market analysis, academic research, or any data-driven project. Playwright is an excellent browser automation tool that can be used to scrape websites efficiently, offering support for multiple languages, including Ruby. In this guide, we'll walk through how to set up and use Playwright in Ruby to scrape a website, using as an example.

What is Playwright?

Playwright is a modern automation framework for web testing, similar to Selenium but with faster execution and support for all modern browsers like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit. It offers powerful browser automation tools for headless and headed scraping, page navigation, interacting with forms, and more.

Why Use Playwright with Ruby?

Ruby is a popular language known for its simplicity and developer-friendly syntax. By using Playwright with Ruby, you can leverage the power of modern browser automation while maintaining Ruby’s clean and easy-to-read code structure. Playwright is ideal for web scraping due to its speed, built-in wait-for conditions, and the ability to deal with dynamic content loaded by JavaScript.

Setting Up Playwright in Ruby

To start scraping with Playwright in Ruby, you'll need to set up a few things:

1. Install Ruby

Ensure you have Ruby installed on your machine. You can check this by running the following command in your terminal:

bash Copy
ruby -v

If Ruby is not installed, you can install it via rbenv or directly from Ruby’s official site.

2. Install the Playwright Gem

Next, you’ll need to install the playwright-ruby-client gem. This gem provides Playwright bindings for Ruby, allowing you to interact with browsers programmatically.

Run the following command to install the gem:

bash Copy
gem install playwright-ruby-client

3. Install Browsers

After installing the gem, you need to install the browsers supported by Playwright. Run the following command:

bash Copy
playwright install

This will download Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit for use with Playwright.

Scraping Example: Scraping Quotes from a Website

Let’s dive into a simple scraping example where we’ll extract quotes from The website contains famous quotes along with the authors, making it a great resource for scraping practice.

Step 1: Initialize Playwright and Launch a Browser

First, you need to initialize Playwright and launch a browser (Chromium in this case). Here's how to do that:

ruby Copy
require 'playwright-ruby-client'

Playwright.create(playwright_cli_executable_path: '/path/to/cli') do |playwright|
  browser = playwright.chromium.launch(headless: true)  # Launch headless browser
  page = browser.new_page

  puts "Page title: #{page.title}"  # Optional: Print page title to verify it's loaded correctly

  # Close the browser

In this snippet, Playwright opens the page in a headless Chromium browser.

Step 2: Scrape Quotes and Authors

Now, we want to scrape the quotes and their authors from the page. To do this, we need to inspect the page structure and identify the elements containing the quotes and authors.

Here’s the code that extracts the quotes and their respective authors:

ruby Copy
require 'playwright-ruby-client'

Playwright.create(playwright_cli_executable_path: '/path/to/cli') do |playwright|
  browser = playwright.chromium.launch(headless: true)
  page = browser.new_page

  # Find all quote elements
  quotes = page.query_selector_all('.quote')

  quotes.each do |quote|
    text = quote.query_selector('.text').text_content.strip
    author = quote.query_selector('.author').text_content.strip
    puts "Quote: #{text} - Author: #{author}"


This script uses Playwright to visit the website, extract the quote text and author, and then print them to the console. The .quote class targets each quote block, and we use .text and .author to extract the relevant information.

Step 3: Handle Pagination

The quotes website uses pagination, so you may want to scrape all pages, not just the first one. Here's how to handle pagination:

ruby Copy
require 'playwright-ruby-client'

Playwright.create(playwright_cli_executable_path: '/path/to/cli') do |playwright|
  browser = playwright.chromium.launch(headless: true)
  page = browser.new_page

  loop do
    quotes = page.query_selector_all('.quote')
    quotes.each do |quote|
      text = quote.query_selector('.text').text_content.strip
      author = quote.query_selector('.author').text_content.strip
      puts "Quote: #{text} - Author: #{author}"

    next_button = page.query_selector(' > a')
    break unless next_button  # Exit loop if no next page
    page.wait_for_load_state('load')  # Wait for the next page to load


This code loops through each page by clicking the "Next" button until there are no more pages. It continues to extract the quotes and authors from every page.

Step-by-Step Guide: Solving captcha Using Playwright and CapSolver in Ruby

This guide explains how to solve reCaptcha using the CapSolver browser extension with Playwright in Ruby. CapSolver provides an easy way to handle captchas without writing extra code to directly solve them.

Step 1: Install Playwright and Dependencies

First, ensure you have Playwright installed:

bash Copy
gem install playwright-ruby-client

Step 2: Download and Configure the CapSolver Extension

  1. Download the CapSolver extension:

    • Download the CapSolver extension from the CapSolver GitHub releases page.
    • Unzip the extension into a directory at the root of your project, such as ./CapSolver.Browser.Extension.
  2. Configure the Extension:

    • Locate the configuration file ./assets/config.json in the CapSolver extension directory.
    • Set the option enabledForcaptcha to true and adjust the captchaMode to token for automatic solving.

    Example config.json:

    json Copy
      "enabledForcaptcha": true,
      "captchaMode": "token"
      // other settings remain the same

Step 3: Setup Playwright with the CapSolver Extension

Here’s how you can load the CapSolver extension into the Playwright browser:

  1. Require Playwright and Set Up Paths:

    ruby Copy
    require 'playwright-ruby-client'
    require 'fileutils'
    # Get the path for the CapSolver extension directory
    extension_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'CapSolver.Browser.Extension')
  2. Launch the Browser with the CapSolver Extension:
    Use Playwright to launch a Chromium browser with the CapSolver extension loaded.

    ruby Copy
    Playwright.create(playwright_cli_executable_path: '/path/to/cli') do |playwright|
      browser = playwright.chromium.launch_persistent_context('', {
        headless: false,  # Run with a visible browser for debugging
        args: [
      page = browser.new_page
      page.goto('')  # Replace with the target URL
      # Locate the captcha checkbox or frame and interact with it
      page.wait_for_selector('iframe', state: 'visible')  # Adjust the selector to target captcha iframe'iframe')  # Adjust the click event for your captcha's interaction
      # Additional steps can be added based on the site’s requirements

The steps for solve reCaptcha are the same as captcha.

Bonus Code

Claim your Bonus Code for top captcha solutions at CapSolver: scrape. After redeeming it, you will get an extra 5% bonus after each recharge, unlimited times.


Using Playwright in Ruby for web scraping offers an efficient and powerful way to extract data from websites. Whether it's simple static content or dynamically loaded pages, Playwright handles both effortlessly. In this tutorial, we scraped quotes and authors from a website, but Playwright can do much more—like interacting with forms, taking screenshots, or even running browser-based tests.

If you're looking for a robust tool for web scraping in Ruby, Playwright is an excellent choice. It's easy to set up, fast, and flexible enough to handle various scraping tasks.

Compliance Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. CapSolver is committed to compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The use of the CapSolver network for illegal, fraudulent, or abusive activities is strictly prohibited and will be investigated. Our captcha-solving solutions enhance user experience while ensuring 100% compliance in helping solve captcha difficulties during public data crawling. We encourage responsible use of our services. For more information, please visit our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
