Web Scraping Without Getting Blocked and How to Solve Web Scraping Captcha

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Web scraping has become a popular technique for extracting data from websites. However, many websites employ anti-scraping measures, including CAPTCHAs, to protect data and prevent automated access. This paper explores effective strategies to avoid interception during web scraping and provides a solution to deal with CAPTCHAs encountered during scraping by attempting to process web scraped CAPTCHAs using python

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Understanding CAPTCHA in Web Scraping:

CAPTCHA refers to the challenges that web scrapers encounter while extracting data from websites. CAPTCHAs are implemented as a security measure to prevent automated bots from accessing and gathering information. These challenges typically involve tests that are easy for humans to pass but difficult for bots to solve.

Reasons for Encountering CAPTCHA during Web Scraping:

Websites use CAPTCHAs to protect their content and prevent unauthorized access. CAPTCHAs are commonly found on websites with valuable or restricted data or those aiming to prevent excessive traffic or scraping activities. When web scrapers encounter CAPTCHA, they must find a way to solve it in order to continue extracting the desired data.

Solving CAPTCHA during Web Scraping:

Solving CAPTCHA challenges during web scraping requires robust strategies. Manual intervention, where a human solves CAPTCHAs as they arise, is one option, but it can be time-consuming and inefficient.

Automated CAPTCHA solving techniques offer a more efficient solution. These techniques involve using algorithms and tools to recognize and solve CAPTCHA challenges without human intervention. By integrating automated CAPTCHA solving services into their scraping workflows, developers can overcome CAPTCHA challenges and extract the desired data more effectively.

Web scraping developers can explore libraries and APIs that offer CAPTCHA solving services. These services provide pre-trained models and algorithms capable of accurately solving different types of CAPTCHAs, such as image-based and text-based challenges.

Introducing CapSolver: The Optimal CAPTCHA Solving Solution for Web Scraping:
CapSolver is a leading solution provider for CAPTCHA challenges encountered during web data scraping and similar tasks. It offers prompt solutions for individuals facing CAPTCHA obstacles in large-scale data scraping or automation tasks.

CapSolver supports various types of CAPTCHA services, including reCAPTCHA (v2/v3/Enterprise), FunCaptcha, hCaptcha (Normal/Enterprise), GeeTest V3/V4, AWS Captcha, ImageToText, and more. It covers a wide range of CAPTCHA types and continually updates its capabilities to address new challenges.

How to Solve Any CAPTCHA with Capsolver Using Python:


  • A working proxy
  • Python installed
  • Capsolver API key

🤖 Step 1: Install Necessary Packages

Execute the following commands to install the required packages:

pip install capsolver

Here is an example of reCAPTCHA v2:

👨‍💻 Python Code for solve reCAPTCHA v2 with your proxy

Here's a Python sample script to accomplish the task:

import capsolver

# Consider using environment variables for sensitive information
PROXY = "http://username:password@host:port"
capsolver.api_key = "Your Capsolver API Key"

def solve_recaptcha_v2(url,key):
    solution = capsolver.solve({
        "type": "ReCaptchaV2Task",
        "websiteURL": url,
        "proxy": PROXY
    return solution

def main():
    print("Solving reCaptcha v2")
    solution = solve_recaptcha_v2(PAGE_URL, PAGE_KEY)
    print("Solution: ", solution)

if __name__ == "__main__":

👨‍💻 Python Code for solve reCAPTCHA v2 without proxy

Here's a Python sample script to accomplish the task:

import capsolver

# Consider using environment variables for sensitive information
capsolver.api_key = "Your Capsolver API Key"

def solve_recaptcha_v2(url,key):
    solution = capsolver.solve({
        "type": "ReCaptchaV2TaskProxyless",
        "websiteURL": url,
    return solution

def main():
    print("Solving reCaptcha v2")
    solution = solve_recaptcha_v2(PAGE_URL, PAGE_KEY)
    print("Solution: ", solution)

if __name__ == "__main__":


In conclusion, web scraping can be a powerful technique for extracting data from websites, but it often encounters obstacles such as CAPTCHAs. Understanding CAPTCHA challenges and employing effective strategies to solve them is crucial for successful web scraping. By leveraging automated CAPTCHA solving techniques and services like CapSolver, developers can overcome these challenges and continue extracting the desired data efficiently. With the provided Python code examples, you can integrate CapSolver into your web scraping workflow and tackle CAPTCHAs effectively.


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Очередь — это виртуальная система зала ожидания, используемая для управления трафиком веб-сайта в часы пик. Иногда он применяет CAPTCHA для проверки того, что пользователи являются людьми, а не ботами. CAPSOLVER — это автоматизированный инструмент, который можно использовать для решения CAPTCHA, что может помочь вам быстрее обходить Queue-it CAPTCHA.

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Этот блог подробно рассказывает о том, как решить капчу DataDome с помощью сервиса capsolver.com. В нем приводятся конкретные шаги для решения капчи, включая подготовку необходимых данных, использование API capsolver для создания задачи и получения результата, а также общие рекомендации и предупреждения по использованию сервиса. Блог является очень полезным ресурсом для тех, кто сталкивается с капчами DataDome и ищет способы их обхода.

The other captcha


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Amazon WAF - это веб-приложение firewall, которое помогает защитить ваши веб-приложения или API от обычных веб-эксплуатаций, которые могут повлиять на доступность, нарушить безопасность или потребить чрезмерные ресурсы. Amazon WAF дает вам контроль над тем, как трафик достигает ваших приложений, позволяя вам создавать правила безопасности, которые блокируют общие шаблоны атак.

The other captcha
