How to solve AWS (AMAZON) WAF Captcha Token

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How to Solve AWS WAF Captcha

Solve AWS Captcha
aws captcha grid solver

Before we start solving AWS WAF Captcha, there are some requirements and points that we need to be aware of:

🔒 Requirements:

  • CapSolver Key
  • Proxy (Optional)

Proxy is optional, depends on the task type used, will be required / optional.

📒 Points to be aware of:

⚠️When the status code returned by the captcha page is 202, you only need to pass awsChallengeJs.
⚠️ When the status code returned by the captcha page is 405, you need to pass in awsKey, awsIv, awsContext, and awsChallengeJs.

  • Ensure the validity of the website URL
    To verify the authenticity of the website URL, ensure that it returns a 405 status code and the HTML contains elements like iv, key, and context.
  • Triggering the AWS Captcha is necessary to access this URL.
  • The URL should yield an HTML response comprising the key, iv, and context.
    As illustrated in these images, a matching URL will yield a 405 status code, and its HTML will include elements such as key, iv, and context.
    Page with status code 405
    Html of a page with status code 405
    - Save the url of the challenge script, context value, iv value and key value.

To solve AWS WAF Captcha, follow our documentation. For this example, we will only use the required parameters. The task types for AWS WAF Captcha are:

  • AntiAwsWafTaskProxyless: This task type use the proxies from capsolver.
  • AntiAwsWafTask: This task type requires your own proxies.

In this case, the task type that will be used in this blog, will be AntiAwsWafTaskProxyLess.

📤 Step 1: Submit the information to Capsolver

⚠️ When the status code returned by the captcha page is 405, you need to pass awsKey, awsIv, awsContext, and awsChallengeJs.

Status code 405

  "awsKey":"key value",
  "awsIv":"iv value",
  "awsContext":"context value",
  "awsChallengeJS":"Url of the js challenge"

⚠️When the status code returned by the captcha page is 202, you only need to pass awsChallengeJs.

Status code 202

  "awsChallengeJS":"Url of the js challenge"

This will return a response that contains taskId, save this value and submit to the step 2.

🔖 Step 2: Get the results

We will need to retrieve the getTaskResult method until the captcha is solved. Retrieve every 3-5s.

Content-Type: application/json
 "taskId": "TASKID OF CREATETASK" //ID created by the createTask method

Captcha solution will look like:

After the captcha has been solved, you need to create the cookie aws-waf-token and add the value that you got from capsolver response.

In conclusion, solving AWS WAF Captcha can be a daunting task, but with the help of, it can be done quickly and efficiently. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily solve AWS WAF Captcha.


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Amazon WAF - это веб-приложение firewall, которое помогает защитить ваши веб-приложения или API от обычных веб-эксплуатаций, которые могут повлиять на доступность, нарушить безопасность или потребить чрезмерные ресурсы. Amazon WAF дает вам контроль над тем, как трафик достигает ваших приложений, позволяя вам создавать правила безопасности, которые блокируют общие шаблоны атак.

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