Solution for extension's inability to recognize certain FunCaptcha images

Solution for extension's inability to recognize certain FunCaptcha images

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CapSolver Blogger

How to use capsolver



Due to browser environment issues, the extension may encounter difficult challenges in recognizing certain images in FunCaptcha. For example, the following images:

Please follow the steps below to address this:

📌Step 1

Attempt to manually solve all image challenges yourself.

📌Step 2

If you still encounter new challenges or cannot proceed with the intended workflow, it indicates that your browser environment or IP has been baned. In such cases, try changing your browser environment or changeing your proxy and then attempt manual solving again.

📌Step 3

If you can successfully proceed with the workflow after manually solving the challenges, it suggests that your environment is not the issue. Please contact us via live chat and send us the images that the extension failed to recognize. We will work on fixing it as soon as possible.

💡Try API service

If you encounter challenging images that the extension is unable to solve, we also recommend trying our API service. Here are some reference documents that may assist you:

FunCaptcha API Service:
